WDS Wiring Diagram System - E85
U_GEBL Blower control voltage
UEBAWL Rollover sensor, warning lamp
UEBBST Rollover sensor, bar status
UEBIO Rollover protection OK
UEBM1+ Rollover sensor, solenoid 1, positive
UEBM1- Rollover sensor, solenoid 1, negative
UEBM2+ Rollover sensor, solenoid 2, positive
UEBM2- Rollover sensor, solenoid 2, negative
UEBMON1 Rollover sensor, monitor 1
UEBSIM Rollover sensor, simulation
UFW1 Supply voltage, pedal-position sensor 1
UFW2 Supply voltage, pedal-position sensor 2
UGB Driver's demand, gas/petroleum
UHSL Supply voltage, level sensor, left
UHSR Supply voltage, level sensor, right
UKBF Lumbar support bottom chamber, passenger
UKFA Lumbar support bottom chamber, driver
UKHL Lumbar support bottom chamber, rear left
UKHR Pwr supply, eng. electr. via main relay
UM Feedback, motor-relay tripping
UR Return wire, relay triggering
USV ASC change-over valve
USVLWS Change-over valve, latent-heat accumul.
UVR ABS valve supply via relay
UZAR Pwr supply, cig. lighter via relay
U_15 Term. 15, ignition on, engine fuse
U_15<1 Term. 15, ignition on, engine fuse 1
U_15<2 Term. 15, ignition on, engine fuse 2
U_15<3 Term. 15, ignition on, engine fuse 3
U_15<4 Term. 15, ignition on, engine fuse 4
U_15<5 Term. 15, ignition on, engine fuse 5
U_30 Term. 30, continuous volt., eng. fuse
U_30<1 Term. 30, continuous volt., eng. fuse 1
U_30<2 Term. 30, continuous volt., eng. fuse 2
U_30<3 Term. 30, continuous volt., eng. fuse 3
U_30<4 Term. 30, continuous volt., eng. fuse 4
U_30<5 Term. 30, continuous volt., eng. fuse 5
U_AGF Pwr supply, exhaust-backpressure sensor
U_AVT Pwr supply, exh. press. upstr.of turbo
U_DDK Pwr supply, thr.-valve press. sensor
U_DDS Pwr supply, differential-pressure sensor
U_DISA Pwr supply, DISA
U_DK15V1 Pwr supply 1 Throttle valve 1
U_DK15V2 Pwr supply 2 Throttle valve 1
U_DK25V1 Pwr supply 1 Throttle valve 2
U_DK25V2 Pwr supply 2 Throttle valve 2
U_DKFW1 Pwr supply, thr.-v.act.val.1-drivr.w.1
U_DKFW2 Pwr supply, thr.-v.act.val.2-drivr.w.2
U_DKG Pwr supply, throttle-valve pot
U_DKPA Pos. pwr supply, thr.-v. pot (ASC)
U_DSK Pwr supply, SK pressure sensor
U_EDSMV Pwr supply, el.pr.actu. and solenoids
U_EDSMV1 Voltage supply, EDS and MV1
U_EDSMV2 Voltage supply, EDS and MV2
U_EVZ1 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 1
U_EVZ10 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 10
U_EVZ11 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 11
U_EVZ12 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 12
U_EVZ2 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 2
U_EVZ3 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 3
U_EVZ4 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 4
U_EVZ5 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 5
U_EVZ6 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 6
U_EVZ7 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 7
U_EVZ8 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 8
U_EVZ9 Pwr supply, fuel injector, cylinder 9
U_FWG Supply, pedal-sensor
U_FWG1 Pwr supply, pedal-sensor 1
U_FWG2 Pwr supply, pedal-sensor 2
U_GETRP Supply, gear position switch
U_HFM Supply voltage, air-mass flow sensor
U_HFMREF Reference voltage, hot-film a.-m f.s.
U_HR Pwr supply, engine electr. via main relay
U_HR2 Pwr supply, motor rel., ri. bank, 12-cyl
U_HR<1 Pwr supply, engine electr., fuse 1
U_HR<17 Pwr supply, engine electr., fuse 17
U_HR<2 Pwr supply, engine electr., fuse 2
U_HR<3 Pwr supply, engine electr., fuse 3
U_HR<4 Pwr supply, engine electr., fuse 4
U_HR<5 Pwr supply, engine electr., fuse 5
U_KND Supply voltage, presupply pressure sensor
U_KWG Pwr supply, crankshaft sensor
U_LAT Pwr supply, lateral-acceleration sensor
U_LDF Supply voltage, charge-air pressure sensor
U_LS Pwr supply, oxygen sensors
U_MV1 Activation, injectors, cyl. 1-3, high side
U_MV2 Activation, injectors, cyl. 4-6, high side
U_MVSL Supply, solenoid valve, shiftlock
U_NWG Supply voltage, camshaft sensor
U_PROG Programming voltage
U_PWG1 Supply voltage, pedal-position sensor 1
U_PWG2 Supply voltage, pedal-position sensor 2
U_RDS Supply voltage, rail pressure sensor
U_SSP Pwr supply, suction-jet-pump vent
U_TEV Pwr supply, tank-ventilation valve
U_U5VV Pwr supply, 5V for DME periphery
U_VENT Pwr supply, DSC valves
U_VREF Monitoring, DSC valves
U_VVT1 Supply, power electronics VVT
U_VVT2 Supply, power electronics VVT, bank 2
U_VVTS1 Supply sensor VVT
U_VVTS2 Supply, sensor VVT, bank 2
U_WHL Pwr supply, converter, PDC, rear left
U_WHML Pwr supply, conv., PDC, rear center left
U_WHMR Pwr supply, conv., PDC, rear center right
U_WHR Pwr supply, converter, PDC, rear right
U_WVL Pwr supply, converter, PDC, front left
U_WVML Pwr supply, conv., PDC, front center left
U_WVMR Pwr supply, conv., PDC,front center right
U_WVR Pwr supply, converter, PDC, front right
U_YAW Pwr supply, speed sensor